Fiona Giltjes
Civil Marriage Celebrant

Before you can be married you will need to complete a Notice of Intended Marriage form (NOIM) no later that 1 month prior to your Wedding. This can be lodged up to 18 months in advance. This may be done electroncially, followed by a hard copy in the mail. A booking fee is required at this stage with the balance of the fee due no later than 1 week prior to the wedding.


The documents I will need to sight are:


If born in Australia, your original Birth Certificate, Australian Passport.

If born overseas, your original Birth Certificate or Overseas Passport.

If either of you have been married before, your original Divorce Statement or Death Certificate of a previous spouse.




Two witnesses over the age of 18 are required to sign the Marriage Register and Certificates. 


Shortening of time


It may be possible to request a shortening of time, if you are unable to wait 1 month to marry. You will need to meet with me to fill in a Notice of Intended Marriage form (NOIM). You can then apply to a prescribed authority for approval. (Your local court or Registry Officials) They are the only ones who can shorten the required period provided they are satisfied that the circumstances prescribed in the regulations are met. These circumstances are:

1.           Employment related or other travel commitments.

2.       Wedding or celebration arrangements, or religious considerations.

3.       Medical reasons.

4.       Legal proceedings.

5.       Error in giving notice.


It is up to the prescribed authority to approve the application, and is not an automatic process.